Sunday, February 16, 2014

2006-SP-Lasker's Manual of Chess (2008)

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Code:  2006-SP-Lasker's Manual of Chess (2008)

One of the great chess masters shares his secrets in this guide for intermediate and advanced players. Lasker analyzes basic methods of gaining advantages, exchange value of pieces, openings, combinations, position play, aesthetics, and other important maneuvers. Examples from games by other modern masters illuminate the discussions. More than 300 diagrams.

Emanuel Lasker (1868-1941) was the Second World Chess Champion. He held the title from 1894 until 1921 and is considered by many as the greatest chess player ever. Although his place in chess history would be secure without achieving anything else, in fact the three books he wrote, "Lasker's Manual of Chess," "Common Sense in Chess," and "St. Petersburg 1909" have all become chess classics.

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