Friday, March 7, 2014

2063-SP-Beating Unusual Chess Defences 1 e4 [ [2012]

Php 360.00

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Check Our Updated List of Available Books (February 2016)

Code:  2063-SP-Beating Unusual Chess Defences 1 e4 [ [2012]

Anyone who plays 1 e4 as White must be prepared not only for Black’s main defences but also an assortment of less popular lines. These, when taken together, represent a significant percentage of the replies you can expect to meet when opening 1 e4. Dealing with these slightly offbeat variations is often a daunting task, especially since your opponents are likely to be specialists in these lines and therefore know them inside out.

This book provides the perfect solution. International Master Andrew Greet gets to grips with each of these tricky openings. He identifies how to exploit their weaknesses whilst avoiding their strengths, thus constructing a practical and dependable repertoire for White. This book covers everything a 1 e4 player needs to know about facing these defences.

* Written by a renowned opening expert
* Full of original ideas and analysis* Ideal for improvers, club players and tournament players. – Amazon

Monday, March 3, 2014

2059-SP- Developing Chess Talent - Van Delft - [2010]

Php 360.00

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Check Our Updated List of Available Books (February 2016)

Code: 2059-SP- Developing Chess Talent - Van Delft - [2010]
The Dutch father-and-son team of Karel van Delft and IM Merijn van Delft have put together a work best exemplified by the subtitle of this book: "Creating a chess culture by coaching, training, organization and communication."

Developing Chess Talent, an English translation of the original 2008 Dutch edition, was clearly a labor of love for the van Delfts and serves as an encyclopedic work describing their efforts in truly developing an allencompassing chess culture. An American attempting to visualize the actualization of the van Delft processes might try imagining a melding of Greg Shahade's youth-centric U. S. Chess School with the impressive organization and public relations machine that is the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of St. Louis.

For an organizer or coach searching for new ideas, Developing Chess Talent might well be the Mother lode. While there is very little technical chess instruction in the book, its 240 pages cover an incredible gamut of suggestions for stimulating chess students to approach their potential, and for a community to embrace its chess activities.

2058-SP-Greatest Ever Chess Endgames -S. Giddins - [2012]

Php 360.00

For Orders, send SMS:  09331935161, 09398411677 or 

Check Our Updated List of Available Books (February 2014)

Code: 2058-SP-Greatest Ever Chess Endgames -S. Giddins - [2012]

Chess players are known to be obsessed by openings. However, world champions have recommended that up-and-coming players should actually begin by studying the endgame first. This is because only by studying simplified positions can one fully develop an understanding of how chess pieces work - both in isolation and with each other. It is also the endgame where the true depth and subtlety of chess is revealed. In this instructive and entertaining book, renowned endgame expert Steve Giddins selects 50 of the finest examples of endgame play in the history of chess. Giddins examines each example in great detail and uses them to demonstrate the essential principles of high-quality endgame play. This book is full of essential guidelines and tips which all players should follow if they want to become a successful endgame player.